I got this little stamp for making cookies from my boss last Christmas as a Christmas present. I absolutely loved the gift and never thought he was so observant and got me a gift that I really liked!
At last, I used the stamp to make butter cookies today. I haven't been making butter cookies for a very long time, because it was not too healthy, and it uses up a lot of my time to stamp good-looking cookies. I realized that it wasn't as easy as I thought, and it turned out that my rolling of the dough was quite uneven such that the cookie surface was not very level-ed. Anyway, it was still a good attempt and I loved the stamped effect with the words "home bake". Yes! It's real 100% HOME-BAKED full of love and sweetness and the smell of very well mixed butter. My mom loved it!
Recipe: 印模牛油曲奇@ Shirley@原味生活